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Alfalfa Irrigation

For the most efficient alfalfa cultivation, choose water-saving Jbdis center pivots and linears.

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Now, all farmers interested in alfalfa production get more yield by using Center Pivot or Linear Systems. They started to use center pivots or linears instead of flood irrigation by using decreasing water resources more efficiently. In this way, they increased both the quality and quantity of the crop. Alfalfa grown under Center pivots or linears in Yonca Irrigation does not need the border ditches required for flood irrigation, saving the labor required for field preparation and allowing the entire field to be harvested by the sweeper. A clover farmer from Konya reported less dew thanks to irrigation with center pivot. It means less excessive moisture and earlier baling at more desirable crop moisture levels.

Alalfa producers all over the world continue their production in fertile lands where there is more water. Especially in the African continent, production is increasing day by day along the fertile Nile River. According to the researches of Selcuk University Faculty of Agriculture Faculty Members, "the use of Center Pivot in irrigation system design for maximum regular and efficient alfalfa cultivation" is one of the most important management factors.

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Jbdis Pivot is at the service of the World Farmers with the most ideal clover irrigation products ...
Clover Plant is used as animal feed. It is produced a lot around the world. It has a serious need for water. They are concerned with excessive water needs, abundant water savings and plant abundance.
Clover (scientifically known as Medicago sativa) or Lucerne is an important forage crop. Clover is written "queen of all food" in Arabic. More than 70 usage products are grown due to its compatibility (adaptation) and many uses. It can be used for feeding horses, sheep, goats, pigs, chickens and dairy cows. It can also be used as hay, silage feed, green manure. It can also be consumed in humans (only sprouts). It contains many essential vitamins such as A, B, D, E, K and is rich in mineral types.
Clover (scientifically known as Medicago sativa) or Lucerne is an important forage crop. Clover is written "queen of all food" in Arabic. More than 70 usage products are grown due to its compatibility (adaptation) and many uses. It can be used for feeding horses, sheep, goats, pigs, chickens and dairy cows. It can also be used as hay, silage feed, green manure. It can also be consumed in humans (only sprouts). It contains many essential vitamins such as A, B, D, E, K and is rich in mineral types.

Although alfalfa is a drought tolerant plant, clover will need certain levels of soil moisture in order to achieve high yields for 4 years. As a rule, the moisture content of the soil should never be below 50%. During the development period, farmers irrigate with sprinkler or sprinkler systems as soon as the soil dries. Complete the last irrigation 3-10 days before harvest. Clover is a long rooted herb that can last for a long time without frequent application applications. However, if irrigation is not done during the drought period of 45 days after the summer months, the alfalfa plant will be damaged and destroyed. No irrigation system can guarantee that the land will be irrigated at the same rate, remember that excess water increases the potential in some parts and can cause stout roots.

According to some studies, alfalfa plants are not affected by salinity compared to other crops or by low quality water (water obtained from recycling) in irrigation. However, in the summer to water your plants with water from this type of installation, it is advisable to first consult a local licensed agronomist.

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